Fernwood Resort

A more rustic option located between the village of Big Sur and the wedding venue, Fernwood Resort is a popular option for visitors for a number of reasons. The property runs along the Big Sur River and includes options for motel rooms, forest cabins, camping and tented structures. The Fernwood Resort is also home to the Fernwood Tavern which is a favorite “late night” bar and pizza destination (Big Sur late night = 10pm).

A spot that Theo and Dave have stopped for a 9pm late-night, night cap where Theo ordered the unsweetened margarita. She probably won’t order it again.


Fernwood Resort
47200 Highway 1
Big Sur, CA 93920

Average room rates: $150 - $400 depending on the accommodation

Fernwood Resort Website


Julia Pfeiffer Burns Campground


Ripplewood Resort